Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The ______ State of Mind

You're in 11 o' clock lecture, already your third class of the day. You begin to listen to your instructor, but then you see the person in front of you updating their Facebook, or you're thinking about how you'd rather be playing Frisbee right now. 50 minutes of "daydreaming" and perhaps a failed pop quiz later, and you're left wondering, "What was I thinking about the last hour? "

Maybe you had a similar feeling on a road trip. You have been driving for a few hours, your mind starts thinking about things that are stressing you out, a song that you want replayed on the radio. You become unaware of your surroundings, and perhaps you miss your exit or fail to notice a stop sign. Again, you're left to wonder the same thing, "What was I thinking?"

This daydreaming state is known as the dissociated state. Dissociation is known as "a state in which the integrated functioning of a person's identity, consciousness, memory and awareness of surroundings, is disrupted or eliminated. "This state allows the mind to compartmentalize and separate certain memories in the brain. But how does one stay focused and avoid this dissociated state?

- Eat a good meal before driving- having a higher blood sugar keeps one alert.

- Stop at a rest stop, get out of the car, and have an exercise break. Stretch and walk around a little.

- Recognize symptoms that you are drowsy or daydreaming, such as yawning, eye strain, and random thought


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