Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Consider the Brain

Photo credit: Two 20 year old females. Top view of brain, two inches above ears. Colored areas show active brain areas during memory task.

You don't want your brain to coagulate.

Okay, okay, so your brain might not suffer those extremes, but it can literally shrink over time when exposed to too much alcohol, as well as literally make the brain less active in areas of memory.

Now, don't misunderstand. It is not the alcohol itself that is the culprit-- it is the pure amount consumed over a period of time (in the linked study, this is around 5 years). Sometimes, we get fooled. "Meh, I just had one or two drinks last night, my brain is safe!" But realllly, let's be honest. Honey, that Long Island Ice Tea is not one drink... it is around 4.

Take a look at these 'portions'-- what constitutes one drink really? Your body can metabolize around one drink an hour (which is like four hours for the Long Island). The thing that can throw us off is that all drinks are not created equal!

Photo credit: Standard Drinks Guide

So next time you're out and about on the town, consider the brain! Or at least be aware of how much you are really drinking.

Be kind to your mind!

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