Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Foreign Concept: Relaxation

How do you relax?

I know this word may seem unfamiliar to you, but it is incredibly important. According to Mayo Clinic, stress is actually normal. It is an alarm system that can protect you and prepare you for fight-or-flight in a dangerous environment. However, if the alarm system does not 'turn off' than stress can lead to serious physical health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, ulcers, weight gain or loss. That is why this foreign word is so important: Relax.

Let's peek into the minds of our group once more, and check out how they tackle this strange, strange concept: How do you relax?

Nicole: Listen to music, go for a run or walk or sleep.

Neal: Exercise is the main thing. More competitive sports like raquetball where you can take out frustration. Sometimes just talking to someone, someone to listen. Also I heard of someone cleaning when they are stressed.

Katie: I clean when I am stressed. I also take long walks, or make to-do lists that get all of the ideas out of my mind and onto paper.

So there you have it! I urge you to take this simple and quick stress assessment. Answer the questions honestly, and find your own way to take off the pressure. If you need some ideas, check out the post to come for more relaxation techniques.

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