Photo Credit Non-verbal Signs
What I have learned during college and continue to carry with me is the importance of communication and keeping in touch with the people around us. This is a topic that I believe everyone has room to improve.
Do you ever think about how you are communicating with others? Think about all the signs and signals you send each day - the head nods, eye contact, posture, and gestures. An important part of communication is learning how to read people's behavior and nonverbal cues. This could potentially save you from a difficult situation, such as deciding whether or not to get in a car with certain people. Nonverbal communication also helps to develop intent and clarity in conversations.
In relation to traffic safety, communication allows us to move from place to place and keeps the world going. How would we navigate without visual cues like road signs and traffic signals?
In the Art of Communication Prerna Salla offers the following suggestions for making a positive impression:
- be confident and practice being able to "gel" in any environment
- be a good listener
- take time to put your thoughts together before you speak
- be aware of current events and the world around you
- embrace opportunities to learn something new
- stay away from gossip
- be yourself
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