Thursday, June 23, 2011

You Lost the Game

This design illustrates the awake, alert, and sober message by placing words and phrases in a grid. This is a twist on "the game." If people are too tired, constantly distracted by technology, or have been drinking and think about driving under those conditions, they've lost the game. It's a time for awake, alert, and sober friends to take the keys and determine a safe ride home.

Seeing Double? Seize the Keys.

The design concept of "Seeing Double? Seize the Keys" brings attention to alcohol-impaired driving. The image on the T-shirt front of a blurry eye chart relates to what an alcohol-impaired person might see. The text on the T-shirt back "Seize the Keys" is the main message which promotes taking away a friend's keys after they have been drinking.

Less Texting. More Driving.

As more people use electronic devices while operating a motor vehicle, this message encourages a shift in behavior to put away the cell phone and focus on the road.

Outside the Car

The "think outside the car" message reminds drivers to be aware of their surroundings and watch for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other vehicles. The goal is to encourage drivers to stay focused on the road by driving awake, driving alert, and driving sober.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


The T-shirt sketches were critiqued, design elements placed in grids, and graphics sized according to guidelines determined earlier in the project. T-shirt colors were chosen based on perceived audience preferences.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Shifting Gears

These words symbolize a shift in driving practices as the Get A Grip Program works to bring attention to drowsy, distracted, and alcohol-impaired driving.