Have you ever tried to express what you mean through text message or chat and failed to get your point across? When communicating electronically, it is easy to misunderstand what the other person is trying to say because words have multiple meanings and can be taken different ways.
Text messaging, Instant messaging, Internet forums, chat rooms, social networking sites, email, and all forms of computer mediated communication are convenient. The question is whether or not they are the most effective ways of communicating.
As we all know, communication is what makes the world go round. Our task for this project is to determine the best ways to reach our audience. In doing so, we are trying to find the best ways to communicate as a group. The majority of our time is spent communicating face to face, however we have found Google Docs, chat, email, and blogspot to be helpful in collaborating ideas. We want to see what works and what sends effective messages to people working on the project in the future as well as the target audience.
The benefits of face to face communication are endless. For example, Nonverbal reaction cues such as eye behavior, posture, gesture, and touch can tell a lot about how a person is feeling. Face to face conversations are synchronous and more personal making it easier to identify the personality of someone you don't know as well.
All in all, communicating both electronically and face-to-face has benefited for our purpose. The electronic communication has been convenient and face-to-face has allowed us to better understand what one another is thinking. Knowing which way to communicate is important to get the message across.